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domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2013

El secreto del arquero

Every thing I've tried in my life was marking me in some way. The Archer's Secret is just a great principle that keeps a strong relation with zen's spirituallity.  I don't mean the secret's in Zen World, but given the advantage in spiritual matters compared with the Western World, these principles are so similar (There is even a book called The Zen Archer).

These principle is confidence.

If you're able to keep a good balance between technique and your will, you'll be succesfull.

I'm the kind of man that always try to do the thing perfectly. Before buy the bow and equipment, I studied carefully the different ways to shoot and the many positions. My rational brain always tries to overpower my instinct.
Of course, like all the teens all over the world I saw  Karate Kid, and all the media wich talk about that. But as a grew man I knew that's not enough to achieve what I want: you can´t hit the target just thinking in "feel the colors of the wind". You must take care of the tips, the feather, the string. You have to maintain your shoulders down,etc

At the beginning, my thought was allright. But suddenly something started to go wrong. By one had I got tired soon, mental and physically. And then all the arrows went wrong. Every one. It used to happen in 30 min. I couldn't understand why it happened. I was obbeying every rule a

El lector interesado habrá visto muchas veces proezas con un arco y flechas. Presas alcanzadas de un disparo del tamaño de un pulgar por su lejanía, pelotas de ping pong rebotando en un gimnasio asaeteadas, enfleche en menos de un segundo,etc.

Se podría pensar que estas personas son super hombres, o personas increíbles.        

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