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martes, 16 de julio de 2013

From New Zealand, with love. Farewells

Another workawayer that I've met this year, another notch in the heart. 

After ten workawayers, the eleven one seems to be not easier, but the most difficult to say goodbye.

I found myself thinking in what could mean this feeling of losses. In my case, I've said goodbye too much times, more than is recomended! Because my home used to be -and still is- the house of everyone, specially for those who comes from abroad. So every week we had people, old and young, to meet and share ourselves. And I thought that I had learnt this lessons about the farewell. But...I don't.

Of course I've read all kind of crap, even something about Coelho, "you need to learn to let them goes" "your life is yours and unique", "your pain is in your mind, their love in your heart",etc. But in fact, anything of that help anything at all.

What could we do?
As I said in facebook yesterday, if you look to the east you might think in persist in the insensivty of your soul. But the practice of death has its point in the fact that the rest of the time you're awake. Otherwise, you don't  feel anything. Your soul turns white, and you'll be able to let the pain pass through you without harm you, in all the aspects of your life. But being in this "upper level", you'll realize before go to bed every night that you're alone, because you're not sharing anything. And that's necessary to love. And love is necessary to provide sense to your life.
By other hand, if you give all your love -wich is supossed to be boundless- you will suffer an extremely pain as your friends go away from you (OK, maybe not "extremely", but this kind of homesickness that goes with you every hour along many weeks with you)

So, one more time, what could we do?

I don't know. Personally, you may give another kind of love. Affection maybe; this kind of love that doesn't goes deep and keeps you calm when the other person is gone. That will turn you more independent, (dependence is actually the origins of this pain),

But, is not true that when you deal with someone, part of your life are given as a present?

Well, all I was trying to say is,
           Goodbye my friend (Pexie) God bless you wherever you go; a pleasure to meet you; thanks for all you gave and said me. At least I'm satisfied to have said all I needed. Keep in mind Proverbs, and my adress for a while. My door is always open...
                                        ...but that means too that I can depart to find you again  ;-)

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